Improve Ketone Levels, Ketosis, and Run Against Obesity

Ketosis is a state where the body makes use of ketone bodies to fuel it as compared to the traditional carbohydrates which is obtained through a Ketogenic Diet.
It involves a metabolic process called ketogenesis which breaks down fats and creates ketone bodies.
Ketones have more energy content than glucose which is the end product of gluconeogenesis.
Ketones contain 6 calories which is 3 calories higher than glucose.
In this article we are going to dig deep into ketones, ketosis, ketogenesis, and the ketogenic diet and how it can prevent obesity.
What is a Ketone and Ketosis?
Simply put, Ketones are alternative sources of energy.
Ketois is the state where the body uses ketones instead of glucose as fuel.
The body in normal circumstances usually use carbohydrates as a source of energy.
Carbohydrates are found in plant-based foods as starch.
Grains, starchy root crops, and fruits are great sources of carbohydrates.
Lactose from milk and other dairy products is also a carbohydrate.
Ketones on the other hand comes primarily from foods rich in animal fat such as meat.
The fats from avocados and nuts are still useful in a ketogenic diet.
The content isn’t as high as meat products and the process of ketosis doesn’t occur as much when consuming plant fats.
Instead the body most likely would start breaking up protein for energy.
The process of ketosis occurs when the body does not have enough carbohydrates to fuel it and starts breaking down fats.
When fats are broken down they are changed to ketone bodies which is then used up by the body cells as an alternative source of energy.
What composes a Ketogenic Diet?
High-fat, medium protein, and low carbohydrates composes a ketogenic diet.
Ketogenesis, the process wherein the body breaks down fats into ketone bodies only occurs in certain circumstances.
One such circumstance is when the body does not have enough carbohydrates to fuel its daily needs and starts breaking down fatty tissues for energy.
When the state of ketosis is achieved it becomes more on maintaining the state in order to gain maximum returns.
Although ketogenic diets focuses on fats and less on carbohydrates for energy,
It is still equally important to have a balanced diet and take for granted the nutrients found in other sources.
Protein is vital and still needed in large amounts in a ketogenic diet.
This isn’t really a problem as fats are also found in high-protein sources such as meat products.
Salmon, tuna, and trout are known for their high protein and omega fatty acids content.
These fatty fish have been a staple in protein-rich diet simply because their fat content isn’t as high as meat products.
That is however a misconception as omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 are still fatty acids which can still aid in ketosis.
Animal meat products such as beef, veal, pork, poultry, and dairy products are also good sources of protein.
They are also rich sources of fat which can still negatively affect your ketogenic diet.
While it is advisable to take in fat and less carbohydrates overdoing it leads to other problems.
The same principle still applies to fats as it does to carbohydrates where excess is stored as body fat.
Fats also contain more calories than carbohydrates but this actually doesn’t mean they’ll make you fat.
Calories only measure the energy content of a particular nutrient but it doesn’t tell you how easy or hard it is to digest.
Fats unlike carbohydrates are digested in the small intestines with the help of bile.
How does it help the Body?
No one actually knows for sure if maintaining a state of ketosis for prolonged periods of time is healthy.
Although research has shown something along the lines of it being best in short to medium duration for optimal weight loss.
Although no one can argue that it benefits the body in more ways than one there is still a fine grey area surrounding it.
Although there are are variations of methods for weight loss, it is still a healthier option than fad diets circulated by magazines which involves fasting.
One way it can help the body is on the metabolizing of fats which allows for muscle tissues enough room to grow.
It assist in removing extra weight from stored body fat,
This is done by a metabolic process of which speeds up the rate the stored fat is used.
One should also be careful not to overdo or rely solely on ketogenic diets.
Researchers have shown that it works best in short and medium duration for weight loss.
If you however want to continue a ketogenic diet for longer periods and for reasons aside from weight loss.
You should contact or seek advice from an expert on such diets or ask if your doctor would recommend it.
Ketone vs. Obesity: Ketone Heaven or Ketone Hell
The line which draws the distinction of the good and the bad isn’t clear with ketogenic diets.
Research on ketogenic diets is sparse and its therapeutic effect are still questionable at best.
It still needs more research to be fully understood and its effects both positive and negative brought to light.
One research titled “Ketogenic Diet for Obesity: Friend or Foe?” by Antonio Paoli states;
Even though the ketogenic diet may be useful as part of the treatment of various disease, especially in pediatric pharmacoresistant epilepsy, the more common situation for the general practitioner is the use of KD by patients in order to lose weight have undoubtedly been shown to be effective, at least in the short to medium term, as a tool to fight obesity, hyperlipidemia and some cardiovascular risk factors.
There still exist a grey area which has raised some concern by the medical community regarding its safety, such that it was stated;
Ketogenic diets also raise some concerns among physicians. Many of the concerns about the use of ketogenic diet as therapeutic tools could be attributed to a broad lack of knowledge about the physiological mechanisms involved.
Ketogenic diets induce a metabolic condition named “physiological ketosis” by Hans Krebs, to distinguish it from the pathological diabetic ketosis.
One problem with ketogenic diets and any diet in particular is the long-term effects it has on the body.
Research such as those stated above clearly echoes this concern.
One argument against a high-fat diet is that it causes obesity.
This idea stems from the fact that fats contain more calories than carbohydrates.
In this study, the specialist stated the root cause of obesity is not fat but rather different.
The study states that;
It has been found that a sugary diet is the root cause of various chronic diseases of the body. A recent study showed that sugar can accelerate aging. Several recent studies have pointed to the fact that a diet with a high glycemic load is independently associated with the development of cardiovascular diseases, type II diabetes and certain forms of cancer.
Glycemic load refers to a diet of different foods that have a high glycemic index. Glycemic index is a measure of the elevation of glucose levels following the ingestion of a carbohydrate.
The classification of a carbohydrate based on its glycemic index provided a better predictor of risk for coronary artery diseases than the traditional method of classification of carbohydrate into simple or complex forms .
In other studies, it was shown that the risk of dietary glycemic load from refined carbohydrates was independent of other known risk factors for coronary diseases.
The research results shows that fats and fatty food are not the main cause of obesity.
It is rather the consumption of too much sugar in the diet.
The prevalence of a sugar culture in processed foods actually led to this rise.
Sugar not only helps improves the taste but it also improves the shelf life of certain products.
So its time we stop blaming fats and start controlling our sugars.
Ketone vs. Obesity: Positive Long-Term Effects
Another research conducted by a team of specialists about the long-term effects of ketogenic diet in obese patients also needs to be noted.
You can check out the results of the research here.
In their research they clearly stated positive results in their patients.
The research showed other substantial effects associated with the diet.
The Researchers stated the effects in a statement in their research;
A ketogenic diet is clinically and experimentally effective in antiepileptic and antiobesity treatments; however, the molecular mechanisms of its action remain to be elucidated.
In some cases, a ketogenic diet is far better than modernanticonvulsants.
Recently, it has been shown that a ketogenic diet is as a safe potential alternative to other existing therapies forinfantile spasms.
It was further shown that a ketogenic diet could act as a mood stabilizer in bipolar illness.
The research cited other long-term effects but it is the three which I have listed above strike me the most.
Epilepsy and convulsions only occur in a small number of people.
People who suffer from epilepsy normally cannot control the attacks.
Anticonvulsants in general can only prevent how often it manifests.
These medicines are not cheap also, since they only target a small demographic.
Imagine a ketogenic diet as a proactive choice for people with this disability.
Unlike taking medicines which is a passive inclination.
The research finding about it being a mood stabilizer could greatly improve not just the presence of bipolar illness.
If the person affected can have a positive self image from the diet and working out.
I’d call that a double win.
How Should we Treat Ketogenic Diets?
If taken responsibly, ketone rich diets helps the body in more ways than one.
It is still however advisable to contact a healthcare specialist or a physician before jumping into the bandwagon.
An common adage goes “there is always an exception to every rule”,
To pursue a ketogenic diet you must devote your time to gather as much information as you can.
A full physical examination is strongly advised as it may help you prevent possible complications.
A ketogenic Diet may not just be for you if it can present complications.
No diet on earth is worth more than your life,
if it affects your body or life negatively.
Instead of going on, stop for a while and seek advice.
It is always never too late to be careful.
Ketogenic diets might sound like a godsend if you are struggling with obesity.
It however comes with a PRICE.
It is best you know how much it costs.
so you can pack that extra CHANGE to give you a little push.
Additional Reading: