Interval training has become a common vocabulary for people who workout. Although, despite it being common, some people do not really find its true significance. Interval training is actually very beneficial to a person’s health on many levels. This article will tell you everything you need to know about Interval Training.
It is safe to say that burning fat is a tough journey to be on. There are a lot of exercises to choose from. But, not all of them are effective. You are in great luck today! Because, this article will introduce you to one of the most effective training programs to burn those fats.
We have made careful research and collected all gathered information that are all about interval training. The top sought answers and the most effective workouts that can be found scattered anywhere else have been compiled to this very article.
This article will touch on the topics of the effects of fats on a person’s health. Also, the advantages of burning those fats, the essence of interval training and how it is beneficial. Lastly, the article will also hand you different workouts that you can start working on right away. Let us not waste anymore time and let us go ahead and tackle these topics.
Nowadays, people have developed this common misconception about the term body fat. This term has somehow been associated with obesity, high levels of cholesterol and unhealthy eating habits. As a matter of fact, every person is required to have a desired amount of body fat. This will depend on several factors such as age, height, weight and other body statistics. This will only be needing attention when you have accumulated more than what is required.
People get body fat from certain food products that they regularly consume. Having a healthy amount of body fat is important in two ways. When your breaks down the food you have eaten carrying body fats, it is broken down in to two parts – fatty acids and glycerol. Fatty Acids is the source of energy mainly for the cardiac and skeletal muscles. On the other hand, Glycerol serves as a stock energy of the body as it is processed by the liver turning it into glucose.
What are the Primary Functions of Body Fats?
- Body fats help a person regulate one’s body temperature. As mentioned above, body fats are in charge of energy distribution.
- They function as shielding protection to body organs and tissues.
- The body needs essential vitamins such as A, E and D. These can only be absorbed by the body if it is combined with food that carries fats.
- A healthier skin and hair can be maintained through the help of body fats.
- Body fats also aid in boosting up the immune system of a person.
Now, given a few of these health benefits that are found in body fats. What will happen to the body if it consumes an excess amount of fats from what it is only required of? Despite, the advantages that body fats can help to a person. It is still precautionary to watch what you are eating. Because, when your body fats have exceeded its limit, consequences may come around the corner too.
What to do to Prevent High Level of Body Fats?
More often than not, body fats are not that easy to burn out. Therefore, if you are not mindful and careful with what you eat, your body will accumulate a high level of body fats. If your body accumulates an excess amount of body fats it will then lead to obesity and an unhealthy constitution.
Setting your weight goals and actually working out can help you significantly in maintaining the required amount of your body. As you may or may not know, a male’s body fat must ideally be 14-17 percent of his total weight. As oppose to females that should have body fats of around to 21-24 percent of their total weight.
It was mentioned earlier, burning your body fats can be a tough journey. But, this article had manage to collect necessary information that is needed to finally solve this tough problem. Through interval training, it is found that it is highly effective when it comes to burning fat.
Below you will find effective workout routines that would help you a lot in burning those body fats.
Interval Training is a workout regimen that consist of low-intensity exercises that gradually escalates to high-intensity workout. While, in between consists of varying speeds and duration of resting periods. These resting periods are performed using the low-intensity exercises.
If you begin to imagine it, it is quite relatively comparable to a typical cardio exercise. It could be, yes. Since, one of its primary target is the heart. As you do this interval training, your heart pumps up non-stop because of having no rest at all. Which is a good sign, because the faster your heart pumps the double you are burning those body fats.
Just a tip, if this will be your first time to indulge in interval training, it is best to do some preparatory action first. It takes stamina and endurance to be able to “survive” interval training. With that, if you are a beginner, it would be recommended to start of your first week with some stamina-building exercises. It may take a week to a month to really improve your stamina, but there is no one else who knows your body more than you. So, you be the judge if you are ready to step to the challenge of doing the interval training.
I have tried a lot of potential interval training workouts to see which ones are effective. So far, these have been tested and proven by many to be the most effective ones out there. Especially, on your goal to burn those body fats. Always remember to perform these exercises with your maximum potential. It should feel as if your heart has reached its ultimate “beating point”.
1. The Sprinter
Sprinting has been the top, not to mention also the best, exercise for challenging your cardio capacity. This is the easiest one yet. But, it will seriously take a lot of stamina and guts.
How to do it:
- Start off with doing your basic warm-ups. It should cover your head going down to your feet. Spend a little extra warming-up time to your legs and feet.
- Sprint for 30 seconds
- Slowly run for 30 seconds. This serves as your recovery.
- Sprint for one minute. Then, recover for one minute as well.
- Followed by a 2-minute sprint and a 2-minute recover.
- Next, do a 4-minute sprint. Then, recover for four minutes.
- Then decrease your sprinting time down to two minutes, a minute and 30 seconds. All followed by the same duration of recovery respectively.
- Every before you sprint, add a 20 second starting time. This is to build up your speed and reach your maximum potential. You should start counting if you have reached your maximum sprinting ability.
2. Bike Blaster
The Bike Blaster utilizes a stationery bike as its main, and only, equipment. Then again, always make sure to do a few minutes of warm-up in between exercises.
How to do it:
- Ensure that the bike you will be using is working properly and effectively.
- Using the bike, warm-up for at about 5 minutes. This is to not shock your leg muscles and cause stress and unnecessary pressure.
- Afterwards, you will now be doing the exercise proper. This interval training workout replicates the essence of a TABATA workout. Which is, to do a 20-second high intensed workout and followed by a 10-second recovery for a total of 8 cycles.
- Start off with counting 20 seconds to just build up your momentum. Once you have reached your momentum you are now going to begin the Bike Blaster.
- Sprint for 20 seconds then recover for 10 seconds by biking slowly.
- Repeat the same movements for 8 cycles.
3. 25-Minute Sprint Fartlek Workout
Fartlek is a form of interval training which in Swedish means, “speed play”. Speed play is a training technique and terminology that is used to describe a workout that plays around with speed, duration and stamina. Basically, speed play is a continuous workout that consists of high-intensified exercise alternated by less-intensified ones.
How to do it:
- Start off with an 8-minute jog.
- Build the speed up into a normal run and do it for four minutes.
- Next, sprint for 20 seconds.
- Walk for a minute.
- Followed by a 30-second sprint;
- one minute run;
- 10-second sprint;
- one minute run and;
- Follow it up with a 5-minute jog.
- Cool down by walking around for an approximate of 5-10 minutes.
4. Sprint and Walk Back
Out of all the intensity training exercises, this particular one is the easiest thing to do. All you need is a good pair of running shoes and a running track. Although not necessarily, but if you do, you can easily track the distance you are about to sprint walk back to and fro. If otherwise, it’s okay. You can always just estimate the distance of how far the length will be. The ideal length for this exercise is 50 meters. If you are no longer a beginner, you can go ahead and sprint to as far as you can.
How to do it:
- Mark your starting line.
- Sprint your way going to the your ideal and desired distance.
- Then, walk back to the starting line. This is your recovery method.
- Repeat for 4-10 times.
5. Jump Rope Countdown
This interval training exercise is similar to The Sprinter. It is done by performing a high-intensity workout at a desired time and following it up by recovering for the same amount of spent time. Until, you reaching counting down to 30 seconds.
How to do it:
- Jump rope for two minutes. Perform this exercise at your maximum effort and as many as you can.
- Then, rest for two minutes as well.
- Next, jump rope for one minute and 30 seconds.
- Rest for one minute and 30 seconds.
- Jump rope for one minute.
- Rest for one minute.
- Jump rope for 30 seconds followed by a 3-minute rest.
- Afterwards, repeat the whole thing back from the top twice.
There you have it! The top 5 Interval Training workouts that you need to burn those fats. Although, there are other exercises out there. But, these top 5 workouts have been tested and proven to have effectively worked. Not to mention, that they are the most convenient exercises to do. You can perform these anywhere and anytime. Take advantage of these workouts and start burning those fats first thing in the morning.